Your Entrepreneurs Innovation

Helping You Create and Grow More Simply, Easily, and Successfully

Your Entrepreneurs Innovation Journey

Your Entrepreneurs Innovation Journey can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences of your lifetime — helping you achieve your vision, grow your business, and attain the life you would like to have — and your Ei Center includes guides all along the way, with over +250 resources and solutions to help you achieve your vision. Your Ei Center partners are the global leaders, already helping over +20 million people grow their businesses worldwide. Entrepreneurs today are launching startups, growing small businesses, and scaling large enterprises to the next level. Discover how top entrepreneurs and innovators are succeeding. You can be among the business leaders achieving your life’s goals.

Begin your Entrepreneurs Innovation Journey and become an Ei Center Member today — it’s free.

Where Are You in Your Entrepreneurs Innovation Journey?

Whether you are just starting out or you are looking to grow your business, we are here to help you make your journey a success.

How Your Ei Center Helps You

The usual Entrepreneurs Innovation Journey is very complicated and challenging.

entrepreneurs innovation

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 20% of small businesses fail by the end of their first year. By the end of their fifth year, roughly 50% have faltered. After 15 years, only around a quarter of businesses have survived. Even large enterprises on the Fortune 500 list can at best hope to be there for fifteen years before being replaced by their competitors, new businesses, and new industries, so continuous intrapreneurship and innovation are necessary, as they need to grow in their market. This is why, as IBM has confirmed, innovation is the top priority for CEOs globally.

Your Ei Center helps to make it simpler, easier and more successful for you.

entrepreneurs innovation

Your Ei Center partners are the global leaders already helping over +20 million people grow their businesses. Discover how top entrepreneurs and innovators are succeeding. Your Ei Center helps you all the way from inspirational ideas to insights on how to accomplish them and the tools to do it.

Managing all of your business applications can be very complicated.

entrepreneurs innovation

As noted by the Wall Street Journal, on average small businesses use over 73 apps, and large enterprises use over 129 apps annually, and in both categories the number of apps are growing.

Easily access your resources in a central location with your Ei Center.

entrepreneurs innovation

Benefit from easy, centralized access to over +250 solutions in your Ei Center, helping you grow lead generation, customer engagement, and revenue. Start now with your complimentary Ei Resources bundle — it’s free.

Each phase of the entrepreneurs journey raises questions about what to do next.

entrepreneurs innovation

As noted in the Harvard Business Review, “The range of options — and problems — that founders of young businesses confront is vast. The problems entrepreneurs confront every day would overwhelm most managers.”

Your Ei Center provides clear steps to grow your business to the next level.

entrepreneurs innovation

Bring your ideas to life, with your Ei Center guiding you each step of the way. Your Executive Report Dashboard provides visibility for you into how your business is performing, the progress you are achieving, and opportunities to grow your business.

Your Ei Center: Helping You Create and Grow

In creating and growing your business as an innovative entrepreneur, you’re in good company with business leaders worldwide. Your Ei Center global partners are already helping +20 million people around the world to create and grow their business and live their dream.

In being successful, it’s not just about the money you gain. You get to do what you want, pursuing your passion when and how you want, and you could make the world a better place at the same time.

When you think about creating and growing a business, you are providing more help for more people in more ways than has existed before. Whether it is in meeting previously unmet needs, helping communities, or new approaches to sustainability — your innovation and marketing is what will bring your community to you.

Creating and growing your business and making the world a better place can be one of the greatest successes you experience in your life. The names of many Ei ACES® are well known entrepreneurs and innovators famous for creating successful businesses and enhancing the experiences and quality of life around the world.

Overcome Your Entrepreneurs Innovation Journey Challenges

Entrepreneurs and innovators often face significant challenges along their journey. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately 20% of small businesses fail by the end of their first year. By the end of their fifth year, roughly 50% have faltered. After 15 years, only around a quarter of businesses have survived.

While the small business failure rate is a significant loss of opportunity, it doesn’t have to be that way. With research, planning, and flexibility, you can avoid many of the challenges of a new business and be part of the 25% that successfully create and grow to 15 years and beyond. Many common business problems and challenges are actually fixable. Many times, you’ll find you need to take a step back, assess your challenges, and optimize your strategy.

For example, as Investopedia has noted, the top six reasons for small business failure include:

  • Not investigating the market enough
  • Business plan problems
  • Too little financing
  • Challenges in physical location, internet presence, and marketing
  • Lack of flexibility to optimize new opportunities
  • Expanding too fast so that costs exceed revenue and resulting in cashflow challenges.

Your Ei Center and partners help you overcome these challenges.

Even when small startups become larger businesses, the challenges can continue. As HubSpot has indicated, the top ongoing challenges for businesses include:

  • Finding new customers
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Building an email list
  • Lead generation
  • Delighting customers
  • Hiring talented people
  • Managing workflow
  • Financial planning
  • Scaling business growth

Again, your Ei Center and partners help you overcome these challenges.

Our award-winning team has been fortunate to be able to help many people with their creative projects in a variety of organizations, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.

Your Ei Center helps you create and grow more simply, easily, and successfully. Benefit from over +250 solutions from your Ei Center global partners, already helping millions worldwide.

“I know I would like to have a business of my own, but I don’t know what business I should develop and where to start.”

“I have a business, but I need to grow more leads, engagement, sales, products, teams, customers, and members, so I can grow my company.”

“I need to improve and grow cash flow.”

“I have an established business, but I need to develop continuous innovation for continuing strong growth.”


Live life on your terms, live your dreams, with your own business.

Master the process of successful innovation.

Become the innovator for your industry – achieve successful commercialization and scale to grow your business.

Create wealth for yourself, your team, and causes you care about.

Improve profitability, productivity, increase competitiveness, and reduce costs.

Improve brand recognition and value.

Gain new partnerships and relationships.

Create social impact and a better world from your organization’s mission, vision, and success.

Join over +150,000 entrepreneurs and business leaders as you create and grow your business, live your dreams, and make the world a better place. Your Ei Center helps you all the way from inspirational ideas to insights on how to accomplish them and the tools to do it.

Your Ei Center resources help make it easier for you. If you are starting fresh, great, we will be glad to help. And if you already have many of your projects and resources in place, that’s excellent also, we can help enhance, optimize and expand upon that for you.

In creating and growing your business as an innovative entrepreneur, you’re in good company with business leaders worldwide. Your Ei Center global partners are already helping +20 million people around the world to create and grow their business and live their dream.

Start Now with Your Complimentary Ei Resources Bundle — It’s Free

Bring your ideas to life with your Ei Center.

  • Benefit from free resources to grow your business, customer engagement, and revenue.
  • Access solutions to shorten your sales cycles, and scale your business with marketing automation.
  • Grow your business with insights from your personal weekly executive report, showing you how your business is performing, the progress you are achieving, and opportunities to grow your business.

Access for Free

Discover More Ei Center Insights

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Growing Your Community and Membership Programs

Your community is one of the most important elements of your business. Indeed, as your community are your customers, the reason your business exists is to provide the best possible experience for them. Growing your community and membership programs enables you to ensure they have the best experience.

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entrepreneurs innovation

Optimizing Your Sales Funnels

Your sales funnel helps to guide your website visitors to become your customers. While sometimes it might seem as simple as a customer clicking a purchase button on your website, there are often a few phases your visitors go through to get there, such as awareness (discovering your business), interest (learning about your solution), decision (determining that your business is the right one for them) and action (becoming your customer) — and your sales funnel helps to optimize and streamline the experience all along the way.

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entrepreneurs innovation

Optimizing Office Tools and Project Management

To help your business grow, you need to get projects successfully out the door. Project management is how you turn your vision into reality. Project management helps you complete your business projects more efficiently, and efficiency is so important for your business.

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Optimizing Design and Brand Management

Great design and brand management can have a powerful effect on your success in marketing your business. It can help you build a great first impression with your customers, develop trust and confidence in your business, boost your search engine optimization (SEO) with effective web design, grow your conversions and sales, and more.

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Benefiting from Market Research Insights

Of all the reasons why new businesses struggle, 70% of businesses fail due to poor market research, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Market research can provide the insights you need for your business to succeed. Businesses using market research have achieved 69% faster growth and 45% greater productivity.

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Grow Your Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Entrepreneurs Innovation

Entrepreneur Resources

If you’re ready to be in charge of your own destiny, this is the perfect time to consider starting your business. | Learn More

Entrepreneurs Innovation

Design and Development

We offer fast, reliable plans for every need – from a basic blog to high-powered site. Designer? Developer? We’ve got you covered too. | Learn More

Entrepreneurs Innovation


Give your business the attention it deserves with promotional tools that attract visitors and keep them coming back. | Learn More